Sunday 16 June 2024

Chaos and clutter in BJP SM

 Pre 2014 , roughly from the time of IAC , an organic force was born on Twitter . Indians , disgusted with Congress corruption joined IAC . Many became friends online , started writing on the web, posted links and emerged as a force . Post IAC disillusionment , majority supported Modi led BJP. Civilisational issues came on forefront , Fake narratives were countered after research by Modi supporters . Many black sheep emerged , many so called celebs were exposed and bit the dust . Post 2014 and win of Modiji , for some time it remained a powerful tool which gave on ground feedback to BJP high command . 

Then slowly, Coteries emerged . A few Twitter handles became famous , got access to Ministers , got posts , got projects . Some became assets , some began opposing the government . The wars of narratives was intense , BJP was attacked on a fake narrative of burning churches as soon as it took over . The narrative was very intense , with online lynch mobs not letting any truth come out . RSS ,Dr Mohan Bhagwat were attacked ,blamed for rapes of Nuns . Many of so called RW were exposed then. True supporters kept on countering the fake narratives ,finally , Truth emerged and narratives died a death .

The Dadri narrative came next ,along with the narrative of Mohan Bhagwat Ji  rumoured abolishing of reservations . Many so called supporters were exposed ,esp after Delhi & Bihar were assembly elections were lost . Still , True supporters kept their faith . Then this cycle of outrage started . Some media news , mostly half truth , would be splashed , Targeting Modi Ji . An unreasonable ,illogical mob would drown out voices  of reason and name call those countering as andh Bhakts . This irrational outrage would be termed constructive criticism and independent thinking . Most of these fake outrages , along with the free thinkers are forgotten & buried .

Another narrative started - targeting of Ministers at the behest of Subramanyam Swamy  , who emerged as a crusader against corruption by the Gandhi family . Arun Jaitely Ji was targetted mindlessly and viciously . Every Budget or policy would be outraged against . Slowly , real supporters realised the plan behind it ,and a push back started . It was a very vicious campaign by Swamy and his supporters ,remnants of which still exist on SM.

The most unfortunate outrages were by supporters against PM Modi and his ministers . Any terror / naxal attack ,and the most vicious response would be from groups of so called supporters . It was vicious and toxic , with any statement being mocked by ‘kadi ninda’. The true supporters countered it , but always were called names . Yet , supporters continued to support and actions by the Modi government put the outrages to shame . Regrettably , this particular vicious mocking ,targeting of ministers continues still. 

New SM celebrities are created by coteries , the true supporters who call them out are Targetted . Majority of these celebs secure some post and then become quiet , praising the very leaders they were outraging against . The supporters who are emotional are used by these celebrities , who often articulate what supporters are posting online , thus satisfying the confirmation Bias of the supporters .

Election 2024 saw these celebs very active ,supporting 400 plus call of Modiji . True supporters were cautious , calling out certain obvious strategical mistakes , warning supporters not to take opinion polls seriously and get complacent . Many supporters from seats that seemed doubtful expressed their opinion ,but were silenced and called names . Many called out candidature of Kripa Shanker , many opposed inclusion of Ajit Pawar - these voices were called agenda ridden. 2024 results showed that the cautionary voices were right . Most of these celeb handles had guided the supporters wrongly .

Some questions have to be asked . These celeb handles were supposed to be on ground ,were supposedly getting ground feed back , so how could the teams not sense mood on ground . The teams mocked Rahul Gandhi 8500 rs scheme , constitution will be changed , caste census , wealth redistribution ,but these issues gained traction on ground .how was this missed ?

Post elections , supporters posted about zero campaign on ground ,missing karyakartas , booth workers In large parts of india , this was reported . BJP always had a very robust feedback system . Grass roots issues reached higher ups and were listened to and resolved . Over the last few years, this system was destroyed by the Coterie culture that took root .

When we became SM volunteers , we were invited to SM meets . I remember being told not to post anything which could not be verified . There should be no countering fake narratives unless we had well documented proof . Anything fake would cast aspersions on the party and undo the 99% of the true narratives . This seems to be thrown to the wind ,with celeb handles posting unverified accusations and getting slapped with F.I.R s . These non issues become the narratives while real issues are forgotten. 

True supporters and their ecosystem still exists . We all need to get back to our 2014 ,2019 spirit . Counter fake narratives , write about ills of Congress ecosystem and rule , highlight positive work of Modi government in states and centre . Let us stay focused on upcoming Bypolls & state elections and let us stop getting sucked into mindless ,illogical ,agenda ridden outrages .

Let us #TrustModiRemainCalm 

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